Toys made with household tools
Conçu et développé à Lima Makers
In 2015, for Christmas, the home improvement warehouse store chain Sodimac hired designers and makers for a challenge : they had 3 days to transform household tools in toys for kids!
Technologies utilisées
Découpe laser Electronique Recyclage Etabli outillage- What’s the project story?
Just before Christmas, McCann Lima invited a group of product designers to visit Peru’s top home improvement store, Sodimac Homecenter, to give kids who’d never experienced the magic of Christmas a special gift – toys. The agency had asked the designers to create the toys out of the products that Sodimac sells, creating a win-win for the chain.
- How the workshop was useful?
It provides the talents required to transform this challenge into a success. They gathered designers and makers able to quickly transform an idea into reality using their experience in design and their competences in digital fabrication.
- What’s the project’s greatest success so far?
All the toys have been delivered on time and the happiness of the kids when they delivered them was the best reward. For Sodimac it was also a mediatic success. The children received a bunch of unique and original toys and the brand reinforced the bond with its customers.
- What’s your greatest failure(s)& lesson(s) so far?
The coordination and the delay were the biggest challenges. We only had a week to identify the products in the store and design toys and 3 days to produce them for an entire college. We learned how to work quickly within a team and to produce simple but useful products.