We Repair EU Project
Conçu et développé à Buinho

We have invited a maker from Ireland to join our growing team of makers, artists and creatives in Buinho, and take part in day-to-day life of fablab and its residents. We spent a residency-week getting immersed in various activities related to social awareness and education, ending with repair café with winter vibes
We developed activities that can connect social awareness (active citizenship) to creativity (design of new products or simply experimentation) and digital skills (digital manufacturing).
This residency was part of an Erasmus+ project, entitled “WeRepair”, coordinated by Buinho Associação and whose partners are Fablab Cuenca (Spain) and Mountain Makers (France)
Technologies utilisées
Electronique Recyclage Etabli outillagePlease Jeffrey, tell us more about your experience has Maker in Residency in rural area throught this Erasmus+ project :
Monday was the arrival day. First in Lisboa for a little tour and then in Messejana over evening where I had a lovely diner in one of the Buinho’s member family. Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
Tuesday was really my first full day in Messajana. Carlos took time to explain me how will be organise this week and also to show me around. I got more familiar with the village and the different spaces ran by the association. Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
Wednesday was the workshops day. A kind of peer to peer learning day between local makers and international such as me but also international volunteers and artists were presents. About 9-10 people joined and it was super nice. We round off the day visiting some local makers which was also quite inspiring for me. Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
Thursday was super inspiring with the whole Buinho’s team. All about Cultural activities and learning more about the town of Beja. We have visited a traditional cafe and Roman ruins museum. Climbed Beja Castle. Amazing views of the surrounding countryside. Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
Friday was the second day of peer to peer workshop in the makerspace of Messejana. I would say a more advance workshop than wednesday also with some more and new faces. A workshop on multimeter and components. Which you can test in circuit, common faults and troubleshooting. The afternoon was taken up getting the venue all ready for the repair cafe on Sunday. Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
Saturday : Working with all the team in Buinho on the venue setup and decorations and Finally climbing the hill to visit the Castle of Messejana. A real team effort from everyone at Buinho. And we even had time to go for an outdoor activity, climbing the hill to visit the Castle of Messejana.. Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
Sunday : The big day is here. Our #repaircafé in Messejana is about to open. We have electrical, fabric carpentry and household items #repair stations. Now to help people on their journey of repair. Quite diverse things to fix ! We had kettles, toasters, printers, coats, chairs . . . Find out more on @Jeffrey_Roe twitter
I hope my week here has inspired them and given them the knowledge to continue with the repair movement. Also thanks to @Vulca_ngo for linking us together. They continue to support makers in a range of residences and making connections.
Interview realised by Mountain Makers partners the 2nd of January 2023