It is no longer surprising to discover a successful lab, in terms of the legitimacy in the eyes of university or company management team, that initially started with a small team, no budget, and an improvised space. In the case of FablabUdechile that wasn’t necessarily a foregone conclusion at the beginning.
Indeed, the lab is settled in a public university of 700 students per level per year with strong traditions and for which the golden productivity indicator is the number of papers. There are 90 labs and 13 interdisciplinary centers. In that very theoretical context, the new lab looked like a UFO.
In fact, mechanical students and teachers created a space to fill the lack of practical experimentation in 2012. This new way of investigation and the profusion of projects attracted students and teachers from other careers and also companies to do open innovation.
Administratively, to reflect the evolution of this diversity and its global nature, the responsibility of the lab went to the « General administration », but on a more longer time-scale (2 years and a half), giving to the lab an official recognition.
The mission of the lab is to offer a space to anyone (citizens, entrepreneurs, companies, students, teachers,…) for free to experiment but also to share methodologies (prototyping, project management, industrialization phases…) and new technics thanks to digital fabrication.
Its goals are to teach and help innovative projects from the idea to the final market.
« The innovation makes sense when it meets the market »