Green FabLab

Fab Lab connecting nature & technology

Green Fab Lab, Ctra. BV-1415 (Horta-Cerdanyola), km 7, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona – Spain

Fab Lab Green Fab Lab

Superficie 1130000 m²

Ouvert en Juillet 2014

Type de structure Part of IaaC university

Exploré en Mars 2016

“Learning from nature to change the world”. A project promoted by IaaC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) and part of the Barcelona Fab City network. The Green Fab Lab works towards the creation of a self-sufficient habitat and research centre at Can Valldaura.

Thématiques principales

Technologie - machines & outils Sports & activités de plein air Initiatives sociales & solidaires Communauté Entrepreneuriat Santé & bien-être Mobilier & maison Education Energie & environnement Eau & océans Science & biologie Architecture Recyclage & upcycling Humanitaire Alimentaire Agriculture Auto-suffisance

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“You have to first understand that Can Valldaura is a 113 hectares territory, and part of it is the Green Fab Lab. The building has an history that goes back to the 11th century.” Nine years ago, IaaC architecture institute started an investigation and understanding of the place. The Green Fab Lab project was submitted in 2011, the property bought thanks to a grant and operations started in 2014.

It’s the second campus of IaaC school of architecture, and the second FabCity network Fab Lab after Fab Lab Barcelona. It was created to interface with this environment as a rural Fab Lab, looking specifically at the intersection between technology and self-sufficient environment, creating alternative modes of production. “That’s what makes it different from other Fab Labs, the combination of its locality and advanced tools”.

“We imagine that all Valldaura would be for researchers, Iaac students, visitors, people coming for workshops and events, creating immersive experiences during which people live there and make things locally.” People from all over the world come here to take the FabAcademy and BioAcademy programs.

“The Green Fab Lab has 4 lines of investigation: fabrication, energy, agroecology and biology. But this idea came afterwards, it was first thought to be more a traditional arts&craft lab.” The idea is to make things with the resources available within the property, grow some materials and be zero waste, making the machines that can enable them to explore their surrounding environment.

“The users are anyone who come, who can find us in the forest. It remains open to all cross sections of society, from Barcelona, the country, and the world.” It includes master students from Iaac, volunteers and young convicts taking part in the Open Days, participants to workshops, companies coming for corporate bootcamps, students from FabAcademy/BioAcademy programs, interns, associations from Barcelona and around!

What people are looking for coming to Green Fab Lab? “Particularly at Green Fab Lab and Can Valldaura, the answer would be : new ways to interface, in a more honest way, with nature/ecology. They want to make things, be sustainable, self-sufficient, resilient, become part of the makers and transition movement, look at different modes of production. Can Valldaura is a microcosm of the world!”

The range of things made there is quite broad, “anything almost (laughs)”: prototyping, social agriculture, housing construction, forestry, biophotovoltaic panels, constructions out of mycellium, drones mapping the terrain, open source beehives.

“It’s a community. We have our own problems and risks of course, because it’s new and moving. People can come, get engaged through residency program, internships, volunteering. But how can you build a community that can be self-sustaining? It’s not self-sufficient so far, we’re not quite there yet.”

The Green Fab Lab project was funded through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Tourism and a bank loan. Cost of buying the property, constructions work and projects funding? Almost 5 million euros. The Fab Lab in itself cost 100.000 euros to set up. Most of the machines were bought or obtained through partnerships like with Trotec.

Architecture work was lead by Vicente Guallart (cofounder of IaaC institute), Tomas Diez was in charge, and Jonathan came as a coordinator. 2 people work every day in the Fab Lab nowadays. The core community is made out of 120 people, welcoming a thousand visitors every month with the students, volunteers and others.

Part of IaaC university, the Green Fab Lab has a 56k euros yearly budget, and makes money through hosting, workshops, FabAcademy program without any regular grants. And it fully benefits from Fab Lab Barcelona partnerships!

In a near future, the lab team will keep on developing FabAcademy and BioAcademy programs, getting fundings from projects, and becoming a place where companies come to think and experience the idea of self-sufficiency at many levels.

Their indicators of a lab’s success? “More people with an understanding and operative knowledge of the place, our community resilience, the FabAcademy students, the projects we help to take off and the ones we’re involved in!”

2 people are running Can Valldaura every day, helped by the community: Martin Goodman, working on the site, driving the bobcat, feeding the chickens, watering the plants, farming, maintaining the house and a 113-hectare forest - and Jonathan Minchin who’s in charge of everything the labs and projects!

First thing when arriving there? “Have a cup of tea, it’s the best thing! When you have a group of permaculture practitioneers, how to introduce them to A.I. specialists and technology? Let’s share a cup of tea, understand what everyone wants to do here and choose what to talk about. People need to do what they want to do, understand the others, make something meaningful to everyone. They have to become the leaders of their own design and making process, prosumers.”

There’s rythm in the Green Fab Lab’s life with the Open Days, FabAcademy & BioAcademy programs, corporate bootcamps and workshops (among other things)! “We can’t follow all the projects. If people are the leaders of their own design and making process, they’ll make things. And here, we collaborate and work all together!”

“Most of the projects we are engaged are documented. The protocole of documentation is Git (through GitHub and GitLab), no matter what is the publicised platform. All of the FabAcademy projects developed by the students are on Git.”

Thanks to this protocol, Jonathan can see and be updated on what the students are doing by getting the data in his computer. Everything is publicised on Green Fab Lab’s website, IaaC students share on, FabAcademy students share on FabAcademy website, same process for the BioAcademy.

One of the best documentations there is the Open Beehive project. You can buy the beehive that Jonathan will make for you, or you can download the design and files. But the whole documentation is on GitHub.

Anyone who can use this platform can do it. Jonathan don’t know all the people working on it. “That’s actually the point. Greg from FabAcademy here is working on it, people in London, a German guy is paid to do the sensing devices, people from Latin America.”

Another project linked to documentation is Living Archives! “It is a platform is currently being developed by one of the interns. Kind of a wiki tied to a location. If I go to a tree within the forest, I can access the data of its history. The plan is to consolidate the data coming from the different devices, know when the plants are planted, with the machines you can reference the use for a project.”

“You have to first understand that Can Valldaura is a 113 hectares territory, and part of it is the Green Fab Lab. The building has an history that goes back to the 11th century.” Nine years ago, IaaC architecture institute started an investigation and understanding of the place. The Green Fab Lab project was submitted in 2011, the property bought thanks to a grant and operations started in 2014.

It’s the second campus of IaaC school of architecture, and the second FabCity network Fab Lab after Fab Lab Barcelona. It was created to interface with this environment as a rural Fab Lab, looking specifically at the intersection between technology and self-sufficient environment, creating alternative modes of production. “That’s what makes it different from other Fab Labs, the combination of its locality and advanced tools”.

“We imagine that all Valldaura would be for researchers, Iaac students, visitors, people coming for workshops and events, creating immersive experiences during which people live there and make things locally.” People from all over the world come here to take the FabAcademy and BioAcademy programs.

“The Green Fab Lab has 4 lines of investigation: fabrication, energy, agroecology and biology. But this idea came afterwards, it was first thought to be more a traditional arts&craft lab.” The idea is to make things with the resources available within the property, grow some materials and be zero waste, making the machines that can enable them to explore their surrounding environment.

“The users are anyone who come, who can find us in the forest. It remains open to all cross sections of society, from Barcelona, the country, and the world.” It includes master students from Iaac, volunteers and young convicts taking part in the Open Days, participants to workshops, companies coming for corporate bootcamps, students from FabAcademy/BioAcademy programs, interns, associations from Barcelona and around!

What people are looking for coming to Green Fab Lab? “Particularly at Green Fab Lab and Can Valldaura, the answer would be : new ways to interface, in a more honest way, with nature/ecology. They want to make things, be sustainable, self-sufficient, resilient, become part of the makers and transition movement, look at different modes of production. Can Valldaura is a microcosm of the world!”

The range of things made there is quite broad, “anything almost (laughs)”: prototyping, social agriculture, housing construction, forestry, biophotovoltaic panels, constructions out of mycellium, drones mapping the terrain, open source beehives.

“It’s a community. We have our own problems and risks of course, because it’s new and moving. People can come, get engaged through residency program, internships, volunteering. But how can you build a community that can be self-sustaining? It’s not self-sufficient so far, we’re not quite there yet.”

The Green Fab Lab project was funded through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Tourism and a bank loan. Cost of buying the property, constructions work and projects funding? Almost 5 million euros. The Fab Lab in itself cost 100.000 euros to set up. Most of the machines were bought or obtained through partnerships like with Trotec.

Architecture work was lead by Vicente Guallart (cofounder of IaaC institute), Tomas Diez was in charge, and Jonathan came as a coordinator. 2 people work every day in the Fab Lab nowadays. The core community is made out of 120 people, welcoming a thousand visitors every month with the students, volunteers and others.

Part of IaaC university, the Green Fab Lab has a 56k euros yearly budget, and makes money through hosting, workshops, FabAcademy program without any regular grants. And it fully benefits from Fab Lab Barcelona partnerships!

In a near future, the lab team will keep on developing FabAcademy and BioAcademy programs, getting fundings from projects, and becoming a place where companies come to think and experience the idea of self-sufficiency at many levels.

Their indicators of a lab’s success? “More people with an understanding and operative knowledge of the place, our community resilience, the FabAcademy students, the projects we help to take off and the ones we’re involved in!”

2 people are running Can Valldaura every day, helped by the community: Martin Goodman, working on the site, driving the bobcat, feeding the chickens, watering the plants, farming, maintaining the house and a 113-hectare forest - and Jonathan Minchin who’s in charge of everything the labs and projects!

First thing when arriving there? “Have a cup of tea, it’s the best thing! When you have a group of permaculture practitioneers, how to introduce them to A.I. specialists and technology? Let’s share a cup of tea, understand what everyone wants to do here and choose what to talk about. People need to do what they want to do, understand the others, make something meaningful to everyone. They have to become the leaders of their own design and making process, prosumers.”

There’s rythm in the Green Fab Lab’s life with the Open Days, FabAcademy & BioAcademy programs, corporate bootcamps and workshops (among other things)! “We can’t follow all the projects. If people are the leaders of their own design and making process, they’ll make things. And here, we collaborate and work all together!”

“Most of the projects we are engaged are documented. The protocole of documentation is Git (through GitHub and GitLab), no matter what is the publicised platform. All of the FabAcademy projects developed by the students are on Git.”

Thanks to this protocol, Jonathan can see and be updated on what the students are doing by getting the data in his computer. Everything is publicised on Green Fab Lab’s website, IaaC students share on, FabAcademy students share on FabAcademy website, same process for the BioAcademy.

One of the best documentations there is the Open Beehive project. You can buy the beehive that Jonathan will make for you, or you can download the design and files. But the whole documentation is on GitHub.

Anyone who can use this platform can do it. Jonathan don’t know all the people working on it. “That’s actually the point. Greg from FabAcademy here is working on it, people in London, a German guy is paid to do the sensing devices, people from Latin America.”

Another project linked to documentation is Living Archives! “It is a platform is currently being developed by one of the interns. Kind of a wiki tied to a location. If I go to a tree within the forest, I can access the data of its history. The plan is to consolidate the data coming from the different devices, know when the plants are planted, with the machines you can reference the use for a project.”

Technologies & procédés mis à disposition

Impression 3D Fraisage numérique Electronique Scan 3D Découpe laser Découpe vinyle Moulage Postes informatiques & logiciels Laboratoire, biologie & chimie Recyclage Robotique Outils pour le bois

Services proposés

Hackathons Atelier mobile Hébergement de startups & projets Sessions de sprint projets Programmes de résidences FabAcademy programme BioAcademy programme Formations & ateliers pratiques Espace de travail partagé Adhésions à l'atelier Temps libres Privatisation de l'espace Prototypage Coaching & mentorat de projets

Nos pratiques inspirantes

Ce que nous faisons de particulier pour gérer notre espace collaboratif

The Green Fablab concept

What is it?

A green fablab is a fork of traditional fablabs, a laboratory that can explore and bridge a better relationship between technology and nature.

In concrete terms?

Located in the middle of an 113-hectare forest above Barcelona, the Green Fablab is located within an 11th century house. It supports the self-sufficiency mission of IaaC architecture institute through 4 lines of investigation: fabrication, energy, agroecology and biology. The idea is to make things with the resources available within the property, grow some materials and be a zero waste, making the machines that can enable them to explore their surrounding environment.

Why it’s interesting?

Located in the middle of nature, following a self-sufficiency mission, the Green Fablab has a unique color and combination within the fablabs world. And this vision can be felt everywhere here, from the atmosphere to the community members and projects developed. One of the most inspiring initiatives we’ve seen during the tour.

Energrid and Hydrogrid

What is it?

The Green Fablab vision is experimented on water and electricity use in the house and terrain around to reach self-sufficiency and become a zero waste fablab.

In concrete terms?

With the help of IaaC brains and Barcelona ecosystem, work has been done on the electrical system (Energrid and water system (Hydrogrid of the house. “It works like a network of services, where the highest and lowest point of water are the cleanest. The five types of water are cycled around these two points as many time as possible.” Regarding electricity, “there’s an integrated monitoring system behind every socket, built by Guilhem Camparadon (our technical god). We can track the consumption of any power consuming device and control appliances in real-time. With the interruptors, you can turn off the electricity consumption for a whole room.”

Why it’s interesting?

Energrid and Hydrogrid are two examples of how the Green Fablab acts as a testbed for further research and development on self-sufficiency, internet of energy, and digital fabrication.

Diversity of workshops format to address everyone

What is it?

From FabAcademy 6-month program for makers from all over the world to social forestry with young convicts, the Green Fablab developed a wide range of workshop formats to address everyone!

In concrete terms?

Among the many formats, we can list: - the OpenDays, on social agriculture, housing constructing, forestry with volunteers & young convicts - the workshops, on beehives, tools, constructions, agrotechnology, drones - summer school for kids from 6 to 16 years old - residency programs and internships - 1-week corporate bootcamps with companies like Sony, Intel, Nike or Airbus - FabAcademy and BioAcademy programs attracting both local and international people

Why it’s interesting?

Saying you’re open to everyone won’t make them come by magic, even if you’re a fablab. You need to create attractive formats with your community and local actors to make this happy diversity and mess we find in successful fablabs happen!

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