Verona FabLab

A laboratory where you can discover, innovate and grow

Viale del Lavoro, 2, 37023 Grezzana (Verona), Italy

Makerspace Espace de coworking Atelier mobile Fab Lab

Ouvert en Mai 2014

Type de structure Association, Social Enterprise

Exploré en Août 2019

Verona FabLab aims to be a strong network that serves the local territory, making knowledge, tools and spaces available for citizens to allow them to learn, experiment and share their experience. Verona FabLab's values are PASSION, CREATIVITY & FUN!

Réseaux sociaux

Thématiques principales

Technologie - machines & outils Initiatives sociales & solidaires Communauté Entrepreneuriat Energie & environnement Recyclage & upcycling Do-it-yourself Social Innovation Sustainability Circular economy STEAM education

Cet atelier est fait pour les :

Jeunes enfants (moins de 12 ans) Adolescents entre 12 et 18 ans Grand public Makers hobbyistes Makers professionnels Ecoles & universités Petites & moyennes entreprises Artistes

Interview & visite guidée

Rencontrez une personne de notre atelier & découvrez le lieu par vous-même

Notre atelier en détails

Découvrez en plus sur notre espace, nos membres, nos machines & services !

FABSCHOOL- Verona FabLab runs its fabrication laboratory in the first school in Verona!

Finally, after years that we’ve been involved in school and youth education with laboratories of coding, robotics, tinkering etc, we have the opportunity to run a fablab inside a school. This may be the first step to really spread our innovative approach to didactics. Next steps? well, maybe to exchange good practices with partners abroad on STEAM!

FABVAN runs online!

If we cannot go to people in person, we try to reach them online. Covid-19 pandemic had a great impact on our lives and it is forcing us to work remotely and to maintain social distance. In FabLab we have always been great to bring people together and meet to share ideas and opinions. Now we stopped. Online activities have not been positively accepted by our followers but we are trying to revise our work because we have a lot of positive energy! This period must bring to a new start. We always hear about environmental sustainability, circular economy, EU Green Deal, UN SDGs and…digitization! Our strength…We’re working hard to understand in which direction we want to go but, first of all, we understood that the most important thing is to inform people. We’re dreamers and we think that with small steps we can improve our living environment. We believe in ecology, participation&inclusion, democracy, glocal knowledge, democracy. Therefore, since december 2020 we’ve been organizing free webinars that inform people to make them aware on FabLab’s topics and invite them to engage and take action!


Verona FabLab is becoming really realiable in its local territory. We won a tender run by the municipality of Verona for the management of 6 innovation centres in the whole province where we will spread our ideas and FabLabs concepts.

These our great achievements, and it is only the beginning of 2021!

Verona FabLab counts on 3 people who run the social enterprise, and on a strong, well anchored and reliable network of experts who provide knowledge and skills on a multitude of thematic areas.

Our main sectors are:

  • youth education and training for teachers&trainers;
  • adult education & lifelong-learning;
  • digital protyping&consultancy;
  • projects on social innovation and environmental sustainability.

Our main centre is located in Grezzana, 15 km from Verona, but starting from 2021 we’ll run our fablab inside our first school (thanks to FabSchool project) and 6 innovation centres in all the Verona province.

Verona FabLab was born from the idea of creating a place where people could meet and share ideas, developing innovative projects thanks to avant-garde machines like 3D printers, CNC mills and laser- cutters.

Founded in 2014 as private, no profit cultural association, Verona FabLab developed in the years and in 2020 it became a social enterprise.

Verona FabLab’s strength relies in its capacity of providing formal and non-formal education, bringing youth and adults closer to technology with the scope to make them “conscious producers” and not “passive consumers”.

Verona FabLab promotes digital literacy and the development of computational thinking through the acquisition of: digital skills (programming, prototyping), cognitive skills (problem solving, critical thinking) and transversal competences (creativity and team working).

Verona FabLab has always been attentive towards environmental sustainability and besides Repair Cafès, it has started developing “green projects”.

Giorgia Bissoli - President

Sector: Youth education and projects

“My biggest passion is teaching: on one hand I can test new methodologies, on the other I am always updated on youth’s needs and I am more aware of the type of learning path to adopt to be in line with current technologies”. Background: psychology and new technologies for learning.

Valentina Scandola

Sector: Adult Education & Lifelong learning, international relations

” I lived some years abroad, first to study and then for work, and I am tryting to bring my experience in EU funds, project management and international cooperation to Verona FabLab. I love working in team and exchange new ideas with people in our network”.

Background: international relations and local development

Giuseppe Giacopuzzi

Sector: prototyping, design

” I am responsible for the digital prototyping sector in Verona FabLab: lasercutting, 3d printing, CNC milling and education. Everyday I come to our fablab full of willingness to create and experiment.”

Background: architecture

Alberto Valente& Riccardo Bertagnoli: senior counselors & founders of Verona FabLab in 2014

Silvio Trentini & Mattia Zuanni: supervisors and technical advisors

Filippo Alberto Sanna: communication manager

We count on a strong network of competences, involving local professionals but also other organizations and the University of Verona.

FABSCHOOL- Verona FabLab runs its fabrication laboratory in the first school in Verona!

Finally, after years that we’ve been involved in school and youth education with laboratories of coding, robotics, tinkering etc, we have the opportunity to run a fablab inside a school. This may be the first step to really spread our innovative approach to didactics. Next steps? well, maybe to exchange good practices with partners abroad on STEAM!

FABVAN runs online!

If we cannot go to people in person, we try to reach them online. Covid-19 pandemic had a great impact on our lives and it is forcing us to work remotely and to maintain social distance. In FabLab we have always been great to bring people together and meet to share ideas and opinions. Now we stopped. Online activities have not been positively accepted by our followers but we are trying to revise our work because we have a lot of positive energy! This period must bring to a new start. We always hear about environmental sustainability, circular economy, EU Green Deal, UN SDGs and…digitization! Our strength…We’re working hard to understand in which direction we want to go but, first of all, we understood that the most important thing is to inform people. We’re dreamers and we think that with small steps we can improve our living environment. We believe in ecology, participation&inclusion, democracy, glocal knowledge, democracy. Therefore, since december 2020 we’ve been organizing free webinars that inform people to make them aware on FabLab’s topics and invite them to engage and take action!


Verona FabLab is becoming really realiable in its local territory. We won a tender run by the municipality of Verona for the management of 6 innovation centres in the whole province where we will spread our ideas and FabLabs concepts.

These our great achievements, and it is only the beginning of 2021!

Verona FabLab counts on 3 people who run the social enterprise, and on a strong, well anchored and reliable network of experts who provide knowledge and skills on a multitude of thematic areas.

Our main sectors are:

  • youth education and training for teachers&trainers;
  • adult education & lifelong-learning;
  • digital protyping&consultancy;
  • projects on social innovation and environmental sustainability.

Our main centre is located in Grezzana, 15 km from Verona, but starting from 2021 we’ll run our fablab inside our first school (thanks to FabSchool project) and 6 innovation centres in all the Verona province.

Verona FabLab was born from the idea of creating a place where people could meet and share ideas, developing innovative projects thanks to avant-garde machines like 3D printers, CNC mills and laser- cutters.

Founded in 2014 as private, no profit cultural association, Verona FabLab developed in the years and in 2020 it became a social enterprise.

Verona FabLab’s strength relies in its capacity of providing formal and non-formal education, bringing youth and adults closer to technology with the scope to make them “conscious producers” and not “passive consumers”.

Verona FabLab promotes digital literacy and the development of computational thinking through the acquisition of: digital skills (programming, prototyping), cognitive skills (problem solving, critical thinking) and transversal competences (creativity and team working).

Verona FabLab has always been attentive towards environmental sustainability and besides Repair Cafès, it has started developing “green projects”.

Giorgia Bissoli - President

Sector: Youth education and projects

“My biggest passion is teaching: on one hand I can test new methodologies, on the other I am always updated on youth’s needs and I am more aware of the type of learning path to adopt to be in line with current technologies”. Background: psychology and new technologies for learning.

Valentina Scandola

Sector: Adult Education & Lifelong learning, international relations

” I lived some years abroad, first to study and then for work, and I am tryting to bring my experience in EU funds, project management and international cooperation to Verona FabLab. I love working in team and exchange new ideas with people in our network”.

Background: international relations and local development

Giuseppe Giacopuzzi

Sector: prototyping, design

” I am responsible for the digital prototyping sector in Verona FabLab: lasercutting, 3d printing, CNC milling and education. Everyday I come to our fablab full of willingness to create and experiment.”

Background: architecture

Alberto Valente& Riccardo Bertagnoli: senior counselors & founders of Verona FabLab in 2014

Silvio Trentini & Mattia Zuanni: supervisors and technical advisors

Filippo Alberto Sanna: communication manager

We count on a strong network of competences, involving local professionals but also other organizations and the University of Verona.

Machines & outils mis à disposition

3D Printer Shareboot43 Laser Cutter 1200x850 CNC Router 2KW

Technologies & procédés mis à disposition

Impression 3D Découpe laser Fraisage numérique Recyclage Arduino Precious Plastic Machines

Services proposés

Social Innovation

Nos pratiques inspirantes

Ce que nous faisons de particulier pour gérer notre espace collaboratif


Documenter la vie du lieu Démarrer des projets maker en residence

Julien Bonnaud, came from Paris to Verona thanks to INNVeneto project

Starting from June 2019, Verona FabLab hosted Julien, a young maker from Paris.

Julien was born in Anger, a small village in Loire Valley. He moves to Paris where he finds a job as electrical engineer in the medical sector. Later, he travels to Porto Alegre (Brazil), Qatar, and Bruxelles where he luckily meets Vulca - Vulca is an NGO supporting all kind of Makers Mobility & Residency Makers.

That’s how Julien discovers INN Veneto project and travels to Verona where he spends 3 months with Verona FabLab. Here, he had the opportunity to work on projects like hydroponic cultivation, craft paper, sewing, laser-cutting...

Meanwhile, Verona FabLab starts a new service of e-bikes rental and Julien takes advantage of this to pedal 20km every day to go to work. Just a small warm-up before opting for sustainable holidays FabLab’s style that brings him to Como…by bike…170km + 170km. Congratulations!

He comes back safe and sound, and he starts his wonderful carrier as FabManager in “Trakk! Belgium”

This residency was possible thanks to INNVeneto, ESF - Veneto Region - they aim to attract talents from all over the world to contribute to the regional development

See more documentation

A link to learn more

Contact : Julien Bonnaud

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