Designed and developped in Fablab Nervecentre

Residency Maker in Slovenia
Eamon, lab manager of Nervecentre fablab in Northern-Ireland had a chance to be maker in residency in Ljubljana.
The residency project aims to draw the attention of both maker/designers and the public to the needs of the elderly, and to encourage the production of products and services aimed especially at them.
- Author: Eamon Durey
- Co-author: Zelim Suleymanov, RogLab
- Technical support: Tomo Per, RogLab; Dejan Pfeifer, Studio Drevo
- Lab partners: Nerve Centre FabLab, Derry, Northern Ireland, UK
There is a strong culture of gardening and growing amongst elderly people. This culture is often lost as they move into managed housing in later years, with no access to a garden or grow facilities. Growing allows for the production of healthy food, and serves as a forum for social interaction between the housing residents as they garden and grow together.
It’s a good way for people to find a common cause and to interact in the framework of a positive and productive activity. The author hopes to develop a hydroponics kit for the elderly in managed accommodation and design it to suit the depleted motoric command and vision of the users. They will be able to upgrade the hydroponic kit and create components to fit it using 3D maker technologies.
The committee chose the project primarily for its social component and its ability to be replicated in fab labs around the world.
Full documentation of the project realised by Eamon: HERE
The residency project was supported by the City of Ljubljana. Part of the partner network of the Center for Creativity, this project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Slovenia.