Our amazing remote team
Started in 2015 in the city of Lyon, MakerTour is a French non-profit organisation exploring, sharing and connecting community workshops & makers around the world. We are a remote team of volunteers taking a stand together everyday, contributing to the world maker movement to help you make a difference locally!

Etienne Moreau
MakerTour's cofounder, he launched our first workshops exploration in Europe in 2015. He's been Fab Lab Wgtn's fab-manager for 6 months!

Mathieu Geiler
MakerTour's cofounder, he launched our first workshops exploration in Europe in 2015. Skyrunning addict and nature lover!

Marie Levrault
Launched our Asian 8-month workshops exploration in 2017. Collaborative economy enthusiastic and bike trip addict. Supporting social entrepreneurs at Ashoka!

Lucas Graffan
Launched our Asian 8-month workshops exploration in 2017. Loves making things and mountain trekking. He's also the entrepreneur behind GreenGo.

Alina Grenier Arellano
Our North American ambassador, currently exploring workshops in Montreal where she lives. Co-creation researcher & board game creator!

Vianney Graffan
Launched our Central & Latin America 8-month workshops exploration in 2018. Breakthrough technologies enthusiastic and diving addict.

Léna Kernoa
Launched our Central & Latin America 8-month workshops exploration in 2018. Love peer learning and sport addict.

Mathieu Kerjouan
Currently exploring maker spaces in Denmark! System BSD fanatic, Erlang lover and addicted to tea.

Alex Rousselet
Makerspace explorer traveling in a tiny yellow converted van all over Europe.

Julien Bonnaud
Maker enthousiast, ready to exchange and share whatever can be shared to build stuff. Electric engineer, nerd, like thing with buttons. fab-manager at Le Boc@l

João Leão
Co-Founder & Fab Lab Manager at VIVA Lab; Industrial Designer; Social Innovator; Co-founder of Precious Plastic Portugal. Assistant Professor at Universidade do Porto

Valentina Scandola
Co-founder @ Verona FabLab Social Enterprise (Italy); EU project manager graduated in “Local Development”. Passionate of international relations. Loves travelling and mountain trekking.

Aleksandra Sljukic
Life-Sci Researcher by profession, Maker & Event organiser by passion; Vulca volunteer and explorer since 2019
Delia Millán
Delia is the founder and director of FabLab Cuenca. She has worked with digital fabrication and in FabLabs since 2012, being part of the original team of the FabLab Nervecentre (United Kingdom).

Fiona Hawes
Dedicated to bring maker spaces to schools and collect memories around the world.

Marko Kazic
Founder of Zamphyrhq and Pioniredu, aiming at creating free education and free software, building the commons.

Jakub Czaplicki

Inesa Melnyk
a former EVS (ESC) volunteer that spent 1 year working in Makerspace Pralnia in Poland. Making connections between the Ukrainian maker's community and the EU one. Involved with Vulca since 2018

Rémi Mauvoisin
Formerly IT & Technology teacher. Now workshop explorer. Crafting work and technology hacking enthusiastic but most of all interested in people's life experiences.

Marcel Kellner
Digital Fabrication Enthusiast - Maker-Communitys - Urban Gardening - Community-Building

Valerio Nappi

Daniel Valle

Lucija Jankovec
Project Manager at Rog Centre Creative Hub

Fablab Bangkok
FabLab Bangkok addresses makers, researchers, startups and corporate partners to realize ideas and innovations in the form of prototypes and small batches. State-of-the-art machinery such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and PCB assembly gives the opportunity to process a multitude of materials.

Camille Bosque
MakerTour keeps growing every day and we need you! We’re always really enthusiasts about having new people joining our team of volunteers! They are many different ways to contribute : launching an expedition, becoming a local ambassador, writing / translating content, participating in community management and so on!
Interested? Write us telling us a bit more about you and how you’d like to contribute to start the conversation ;)
The leading organisations we work with
Our team would like to thank all our current & previous partners for the trust you put in us, the meaningful collaborations we started together and your involvement by our side. Your support helps us launch expeditions, share our content with the world and make the community workshops & makers movement thrive.
Our 2018 partners
Our first partners
Our network of friends
Since 2015, we’ve been living a great adventure side by side with all the people & initiatives behind this movement. We are proud to consider ourselves your friends. Thanks to all the community workshops for opening your doors & taking time to welcome us, and thanks to all the other initiatives for the incredible work you put in everyday!
Our crowdfunding campaign on KissKissBankBank
En Octobre 2015, MakerTour a lancé une campagne de financement participatif sur KissKissBankBank pour sa première expédition en Europe. Grâce à nos 107 soutiens, nous avons réuni plus que les 5.000€ espérés en 45 jours and transmis notre message aussi loin que possible. Nous sommes où nous sommes aujourd’hui grâce à vous, parce que vous nous avez soutenu à ce moment là, et nous ne l’oublierons jamais.