FabLab hr

Association for the promotion of digital fabrication in Croatia

Ilica 69, 10000, Zagreb, Croatie

Fab Lab School workshop Residency

Space size 100 m²

Opened in March 2013

Structure type Non-profit, non-government civil association

Explored in August 2019

FabLab.hr was founded in Zagreb as first open-for-community croatian FabLab with goal to promote new digital fabrication tech, but also engage young adults to develop STE[A]M skills and bring ideas to life.


Social networks

Main interests

Social initiatives Entrepreneurship Robotics Industry & innovation Education Water & oceans Architecture Social Innovation Residency Makers Digital fabrication STEAM education

This workshop is great for:

Makers residency Schools & universities Non-profit organisations General public Students Adolescents between 12-18 Every single person & organisation! Kids under 12 Teachers

The closest workshops nearby are:


⬇ STEMerica ⬇

The aim of the STEMerica project is to improve the capacity of civil society organizations in the implementation of interactive and innovative STEM workshops and events at the national level aimed at children, youth and the general public. The capacities of included NGOs will be strengthened through the participation of their members and employees in educational programs (18), study visits (5) and public STEM events (16 national and 8 foreign) - encouraging their cooperation, exchange of knowledge and awareness of good national and European practices.

  • TYPE OF ACTIVITIES: performing STEAM workshops as part of mobile FabLab center tour
  • PERIOD : up to 10 days per visit, up to 5 makers
  • DATES : Flexible in 2024
  • TRANSPORT : Optional/limited
  • ACCOMMODATION : Optional/limited
  • FOOD : Included
  • HOW MANY PLACES : One maker per visit, up to 5 visits
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE : Flexible in 2024

Start your Journey

(If the orange button doesn’t open, please, just send us an email on residency@vulca.eu with :

Object: MAKER RESIDENCY 2024 - FabLab.Hr
Message : Short presentation of yourself + when you’re available for a video call)

Interview & guided tour

Meet someone from the team & discover the space by yourself!

Our workshop

Learn more about our space, members, machines & services!


“Digital fabrication will change the character of work and the necessary skills, affect economic growth and development through innovation.”

FabLab.hr is aware of this impact and believes that their role is to point out the potential that lies primarily in the use of new digital production technologies as part of Industry 4.0, but also all related technologies, which they deal with in the association.

It is the duty of FabLabs to show all the potential related to education, entrepreneurship, but also free time or hobbies. There is a huge potential in making a tangible social impact, which can deepen and reduce differences in society. Therefore, members of FabLab.hr are active participants in the process of drafting national and EU policies.

There are four general areas where they focus their energy:

  • Education
  • Local community and the individuals
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Residency, promoting sustainability and green technologies

Engaging (inter)national communities through events

Events are important part of FabLab.hr mission to involve citizens and local communities. FabLab supports all types of events organized by local communities, especially those that involve some form of education.

Already in 2013, they hosted the annual 3D Printing Open Days event, which over time and with experience has grown into major events such as Maker Faire Zagreb and STE[A]M Week. They participated in European Makers Week, and PopUp Fablab within the Design District and Q’Art events in Zagreb, as well as workshops as part of Creative Days on the Island of Prvić, activities at KvartArt in Zadar, and many others.

After the STE[A]M week in Zadar and participation in KvartArt with communities in Zadar during 2019, they decided to continue the cooperation which will result in the organization of Vulca Seminar and Makers Week Zadar event in 202?, depending when the in-person events will be allowed.

Nurturing local connections throughout impactful projects

They organise activities that would engage individuals and stakeholders who can help realize their long-term vision. At the same time, it is important that individuals can benefit from the technologies and skills present in fablab community.

Examples are remote communities, which are also present on our islands due to geographical characteristics, but also on the continent due to weaker connections.

As part of these activities, they are especially sensitive to people with disabilities to raise their self-esteem thorough individualised actions that are offered to individuals in solving their everyday problems (as part of eNabling the Future community).

Acting local, aiming global

Since 2017, FabLab, through its members, has been involved in the working group at the national level, Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and thoughtful societies (SC6). The Ministry of Science and Education has launched Reference Groups as an important part of the national support system for the implementation of Horizon 2020 in Croatia, which has been lacking so far.

At EU level, the European Commission has established a dialogue with representatives of the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in the context of the renewed European Industrial Policy Strategy adopted in 2017. The aim of the dialogue would be to identify policy needs and support a comprehensive framework for cultural and cultural industries. tomorrow. At the end of 2018, a representative of FabLab was invited to a working group with the aim of drafting a whitepaper document on the contribution of creative and cultural industries to the EU 2030 economic strategy.

Sustainable futures

In FabLab, they are aiming at protecting the environment by promoting sustainable waste management through projects and activities (using plastic bottles and recycling after use, collecting plastic and making new useful products from it, using a 3D printer, etc.). Each of their projects is linked to few of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  1. Maker Faire Zagreb 2019 (financed by the city of Zagreb, FabLab`s own resources, donators and partners): 4. SDG: Quality education, 9. SDG: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 12. Responsible consumption and production, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  2. Makers Island Workshop, Biševo (as part of Adriatic GreenLab Initiative) - 4. SDG: Quality education, 9.SDG: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11. SDG: Sustainable cities and communities, 12.SDG: Responsible consumption and production, 13. SDG: Climate action, 14. Life below water, 15. Life on land, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  3. STEAM WEEK (financed by Ministry of Science and Education; FabLab is applicant) and STEM SHOW (FabLab is partner) - 4. SDG: Quality education, 12. SDG: Responsible consumption and production, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  4. MAKE - IT and DO-IT (both projects financed by H2020, FabLab is partner): 4. SDG: Quality education, 9. SDG: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  5. FabCity Global Initiative (on FabLab˙s initiative, Zagreb is from 2019 a part of the Initiative) - 11. SDG: Sustainable cities and communities.


“Digital fabrication will change the character of work and the necessary skills, affect economic growth and development through innovation.”

FabLab.hr is aware of this impact and believes that their role is to point out the potential that lies primarily in the use of new digital production technologies as part of Industry 4.0, but also all related technologies, which they deal with in the association.

It is the duty of FabLabs to show all the potential related to education, entrepreneurship, but also free time or hobbies. There is a huge potential in making a tangible social impact, which can deepen and reduce differences in society. Therefore, members of FabLab.hr are active participants in the process of drafting national and EU policies.

There are four general areas where they focus their energy:

  • Education
  • Local community and the individuals
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Residency, promoting sustainability and green technologies

Engaging (inter)national communities through events

Events are important part of FabLab.hr mission to involve citizens and local communities. FabLab supports all types of events organized by local communities, especially those that involve some form of education.

Already in 2013, they hosted the annual 3D Printing Open Days event, which over time and with experience has grown into major events such as Maker Faire Zagreb and STE[A]M Week. They participated in European Makers Week, and PopUp Fablab within the Design District and Q’Art events in Zagreb, as well as workshops as part of Creative Days on the Island of Prvić, activities at KvartArt in Zadar, and many others.

After the STE[A]M week in Zadar and participation in KvartArt with communities in Zadar during 2019, they decided to continue the cooperation which will result in the organization of Vulca Seminar and Makers Week Zadar event in 202?, depending when the in-person events will be allowed.

Nurturing local connections throughout impactful projects

They organise activities that would engage individuals and stakeholders who can help realize their long-term vision. At the same time, it is important that individuals can benefit from the technologies and skills present in fablab community.

Examples are remote communities, which are also present on our islands due to geographical characteristics, but also on the continent due to weaker connections.

As part of these activities, they are especially sensitive to people with disabilities to raise their self-esteem thorough individualised actions that are offered to individuals in solving their everyday problems (as part of eNabling the Future community).

Acting local, aiming global

Since 2017, FabLab, through its members, has been involved in the working group at the national level, Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and thoughtful societies (SC6). The Ministry of Science and Education has launched Reference Groups as an important part of the national support system for the implementation of Horizon 2020 in Croatia, which has been lacking so far.

At EU level, the European Commission has established a dialogue with representatives of the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in the context of the renewed European Industrial Policy Strategy adopted in 2017. The aim of the dialogue would be to identify policy needs and support a comprehensive framework for cultural and cultural industries. tomorrow. At the end of 2018, a representative of FabLab was invited to a working group with the aim of drafting a whitepaper document on the contribution of creative and cultural industries to the EU 2030 economic strategy.

Sustainable futures

In FabLab, they are aiming at protecting the environment by promoting sustainable waste management through projects and activities (using plastic bottles and recycling after use, collecting plastic and making new useful products from it, using a 3D printer, etc.). Each of their projects is linked to few of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  1. Maker Faire Zagreb 2019 (financed by the city of Zagreb, FabLab`s own resources, donators and partners): 4. SDG: Quality education, 9. SDG: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 12. Responsible consumption and production, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  2. Makers Island Workshop, Biševo (as part of Adriatic GreenLab Initiative) - 4. SDG: Quality education, 9.SDG: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11. SDG: Sustainable cities and communities, 12.SDG: Responsible consumption and production, 13. SDG: Climate action, 14. Life below water, 15. Life on land, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  3. STEAM WEEK (financed by Ministry of Science and Education; FabLab is applicant) and STEM SHOW (FabLab is partner) - 4. SDG: Quality education, 12. SDG: Responsible consumption and production, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  4. MAKE - IT and DO-IT (both projects financed by H2020, FabLab is partner): 4. SDG: Quality education, 9. SDG: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 17. SDG: Partnership for the goals;

  5. FabCity Global Initiative (on FabLab˙s initiative, Zagreb is from 2019 a part of the Initiative) - 11. SDG: Sustainable cities and communities.

Our best practices

The inspiring things we do here to run our collaborative space

1st Makers island residency - Biševo Makers Island Workshop 2019

Community Ecosystem & partnerships Vision


Why Biševo needed makers?

As permanent or temporary residents of Biševo Island, we are witnessing strong touristic exploitation of the island. In this process, local residents with their lives and needs on this remote island remained forgotten, while history, memories, traditions and identity of Biševo are being lost.

In terms of life on the island, available resources and infrastructure, this beautiful Adriatic pearl has been neglected for almost a century. Water availability and its quality, waste management and protection of island nature are few of several issues that residents face on a daily basis, without support of the authorities seated on the neighbouring island of Vis.

Makers are creative individuals as a part of the makers culture, where technology is used to DIY (Do It Yourself) new devices as well as tinkering with the existing ones. On the Biševo Makers Island Workshop 2019 a diverse group of makers worked together, while using their simple technological skills and creativity to solve local issues (water, waste, island mapping) and leaving their projects to the local community.

Guided by the thought be the change you want to see in the world, this was their small, loving attempt to improve quality of life on Biševo based on creative makers energy, leaving small technological creations with a goal to make island life better and further share the experience globally.


Motivation for maker residency came from our friends in Green Lab Valldaura, near Barcelona. Their motto “Live, Design and Fabricate a Real-scale, Self-sufficient Prototype in Valldaura” motivated us to think about models for real problems we face on islands in Croatia. Therefore, “Adriatic Greenlab” initiative is established.


FabLab and City of Zagreb are part of Fab City global initiative since 2018, with motto “Locally Productive Globally Connected Cities and Citizens”. Fab City Manifesto is the core of our new greenlab island concept, shaping ”Adriatic Greenlab” initiative. Idea is to build models and solutions based on makers culture, local production, global knowledge, and since we are on islands, upgraded with nature based solutions.


  • Remote sensing & mapping of island
  • Plastic waste collecting & recycling
  • Water related problems (collecting & testing)

Future vision > what about 1st Global Maker’s Island?

Contact : info@fablab.hr

Education (R)evolution


Education (R)evolution is the most important mission of the initiative Make@School (Croatian: Stvori u školi), with the objective of encouraging creative and productive way of thinking in children in elementary schools. Also, it is a part of a global inititative Fablab@School.

Within the framework of this initiative, as a small pilot project, we visit elementary schools that show interest, and bring children closer to modern technologies that can enable them to create their ideas, bring STE[A]M skills closer through Design Thinking methodology.

Mission is related to the transformation of education and our contribution to learn a different way of learning, learning by doing. All this has resulted in activities in schools, libraries, but also working on projects such as FabLabNet or DOIT Europe, and with international groups such as Innovation in Education and networks such as European Schools of Makers or FabLearn.

We have visited dozens of schools so far, and some of them have been included in our projects. More about visits to schools and their involvement in projects can be found on other pages and publications.

Adriatic GreenLab Initiative

Community Vision residency maker Sustainability


Adriatic GreenLab Island is FabLab initiative inspired by Green Lab in Valldaura near Barcelona, Fab City Manifesto and topics related.

Their motto “Live, Design and Fabricate a Real-scale, Self-sufficient Prototype in Valldaura” motivated us to think about models for real problems we face on islands in Croatia. Therefore, “Adriatic Greenlab” initiative is established, that can deal with issues on isolated and remote areas such as island.

As a first step, in September 2019 we organized 1st Maker Workshop on Island of Biševo in Adriatic, as a kind of pilot activity. We bring together local community and makers to solve some local context issues.


FabLab and City of Zagreb are part of Fab City global initiative since 2018, with motto “Locally Productive Globally Connected Cities and Citizens”. Fab City Manifesto is the core of our new greenlab island concept, shaping ”Adriatic Greenlab” initiative.

Idea is to build models and solutions based on makers culture, local production, global knowledge, and since we are on islands, upgraded with nature based solutions.

Our makers projects

Get inspired by the DIY projects of our team & members


STEAM Week, held twice a year, which we manage since 2018, is focused on teachers and how to show, demonstrate, and practice new ways of teaching children’s in schools.

During such events, with our resources and funding, we are able to bring up to 150 teachers. Also we always want to bring international speakers and demonstrators - they can show different approaches and curricula to teaching, overall exchanging good practices, very often thinking out of a box.

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