The IEM Christian DABBADIE welcomes children, adolescents, and young adults aged 2 to 20 years with motor, multiple, or complex disabilities. This support can continue up to the age of 25 for those enrolled in higher education programs. Faced with a market gap in technical aids and specialized equipment, which is often too expensive, the idea of HandiFabLab was born—an innovative, inclusive, and collaborative space that serves as a unique resource hub. HandiFabLab provides its users with technical resources (software, processes, know-how), digital machines (such as 3D printers and a laser cutter), and human support necessary for digital creation and fabrication tailored to individual or collective needs.
A Citizen Laboratory: Open and Shared
Young people become knowledge producers, working in peer-to-peer, cooperative modes, experimenting with new ways of “making.” It serves as a sort of “citizen laboratory,” open and shared, welcoming APF users, associative actors, and 21st-century makers alike. The FabLab enables customization and individualization of technical aids to promote autonomy and accessibility. It is also a powerful tool for rebuilding self-esteem and valuing individuals.