Forma Singular

Conçu et développé à Laboratorio de Innovacion

Technologie - machines & outils Mobilier & maison

Forma Singular creates tailor-made interior space that fits our need and personality. It is a business company, run by a couple specialized in carpentry and civil engineering, who offer to clients a personal guidance to transform a room or many rooms of their house from the analysis of their needs and personality until the complete installation with artisans coordination.

Technologies utilisées

Postes informatiques & logiciels Outils pour le bois Etabli outillage
  • What’s the project story?

In 2017, we applied to the program Capital Semilla which supports innovative entrepreneurs to consolidate and grow their business. We had the chance to be selected with 99 others over 3000 applicants with our idea : designing and making furnitures for cats. In addition to the financial support they provided, they also connected us to the Laboratory de Innovacion to make our prototype. After 2 months in the space, our idea was totally transformed and we came out with a new business idea. Forma singular was born.

  • How the workshop was useful ?

The Laboratorio doesn’t offer us only the training and access to the machines but they also guided us during 2 months, with 4 hours per week, in their innovative process to challenge our idea and to help us design a successful business that fit both market demand and our intrinsic values. With an adapted mix of innovation methodologies (design thinking, lean startup, …), they helped us to dig into our real motivations, strengths and assets and to identify a real business opportunity in which we can make a difference. We have an expertise in carpentry, a network of designers and an experience to manage big project, since the needs identification to the installation in the space. We are passionate about our work, actually we left engineering careers to create this business, but we had the feeling of not speaking the language of the clients. We spend lot of time designing propositions for a low rate of transformation (only 15%). Thanks to the team, we identified this pain point and our potential to address it. Instead of prototyping furnitures for cat, we prototyped a new experience process and services for our customers. Now, we use creative good practices to listen and dig into clients real needs and emotions to really understand their expectations, even hidden, before making any propositions. Even after these 4 months of coaching, we can still enjoy the place and benefit from the team support for an extra of 8 months depending on our need.

  • What’s the project’s greatest success so far?

The results are stunning : after 6 months, we increased our current backlog 10 times and our conversion rate increased until 70%.

  • What’s your greatest failure(s)& lesson(s) so far?

I learnt to manage my time with priorities and by delegating. I tried to do everything by my own but it was a mistake. Now, I can rely on partners to be more efficient and more happy at work :-)

  • What’s your vision for the project & next steps?

We want to use our new incomes to invest in technology, either to improve our daily administrative tasks, but also to improve the service offer to the clients (3D modeling, tablets, …) and to open a new investigation line to incorporate technology in furnitures (IoT, augmented reality, …). We also plan to hire people if the success of our services is carried on.

  • How can anyone interested can contribute to the project?

We are looking for designers, even remote, to conceive new interiors with us. We are also looking for anyone interested to join me to enhance furnitures with technology and illumination. We will be very happy to collaborate!

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