Laboratorio de Innovacion

Complejo Ruta N Calle 67 Nº 52-20 Sobre la Av. Ferrocarril Medellín - Colombia


Superficie 200 m²

Ouvert en Juillet 2018

Type de structure coorporation

Exploré en Juillet 2018

We are a place where ideas emerged, are raised and experimented. A manufacture to sharpen talents, broaden knowledge through a creative process, the use of high tech machines and the support of a group of experts.

Thématiques principales

Technologie - machines & outils Initiatives sociales & solidaires Communauté Entrepreneuriat Mobilité & transports Industrie & innovation Education

Cet atelier est fait pour les :

Associations Organisations publiques Grandes entreprises Petites & moyennes entreprises Enseignants

Les ateliers les plus proches :

Notre atelier en détails

Découvrez en plus sur notre espace, nos membres, nos machines & services !

In 2011, Medellin was the 14th most dangerous city in the world, according to a Mexican NGO. Shaken by this statement, the city, who undertook a development plan since 2008, decided to invest on citizens to tackle the challenge of transforming the city. How? By giving to Ruta N, a public corporation created in 2009, the funds to offer programs and services based on technology, science, and innovation to local actors who aim to create employment and to improve people quality of life.

Want to see concrete examples of their actions? Come to the “Laboratorio de innovacion”, the innovation department of Ruta N created in May 2017, and you will discover dozens of them, each more impressive than the others. In this makerspace, you will meet companies, entrepreneurs, public organizations and teachers, all intrigued by the team members guidance who help them, with an adapted mix of methodologies (design thinking, lean startup, …), to transform their problem in opportunity and their activity in a more impactful project. The mission of this space is clear: rather than making themselves solutions to improve the city quality of life, they want to empower local people with innovation process and digital tools to transform them in superheroes, ready to make a positive impact on the city economy and security.

After a year, he succeeded to develop a united and talented team who helped dozens of actors to change their mindset and to develop their digital fabrication skills. For them, a problem is now rather seen as a challenge and the lack of resources as an opportunity to come up with new ideas.

For the team members, deeply involved to make a change, their next challenges will be to develop good practices to guide actors not only in their project idea but also in their effective deployment and to measure their impact in society. More than a place full of machines and makers, they built a positive and winning spirit to turn everyone into a change maker.

How many people would you hire if you would like to help Entrepreneurs, Companies, Ministries, City representatives and teachers to learn innovation methodologies, to applicate them in their business, to prototype and to test their ideas so that they can increase the positive impact of their actions? Let say 50? You would be far from the number of people who work at the Laboratorio de Inovación to achieve those goals: only 16!

The average age is 30 and while they all have very innovative ideas, they always talk about « us ». This « us » has more than one string to its bow. He is an architect, engineer, designer, and journalist. The spirit: Be entrepreneur – apply, test and learn methodology - no yearly objective – no chief but coordinators – a Flexible organization of the time schedule. It sounds like « liberation management » without naming it at no time.

Like the areas the lab is dedicated to, the team is split to focus on each activity:

  • 8 are working for the Company&Entrepreneur department. José Willington coordinates them to teach innovation, prototype ideas and helps the wave of 15-20 entrepreneurs and companies to call their business into question during 1 month and a half. Depending on their availability, they are free to come to the lab as much as they want.

  • 3 are dedicated to helping teachers to describe their needs by the mean of innovation methodology such as design thinking. Sessions occur during 12 weeks split into 4 sprints during which companies and entrepreneurs are progressively involved in creating&testing solutions and foundations to finance them. This activity is coordinated by Alejandro Roldán.

  • 4 are focused on teaching innovation and supporting representatives of Medellin’s municipalities through the « communa inova » program. The idea is to reconcile citizens with government by converting a greater number of citizen needs and increasing the previous needs/solutions ratio that was 5000/10. The team coordinated by Juan Diego organize 7 sessions to make needs emerge from public entities and to refine them. Then, they are posted on so that citizens can vote for what they think to be more critical. The emerging needs are released on the Ruta N and sunn website to ask for solutions from other cities, companies, and entrepreneurs. Finally, they are prototyped and tested with the help of the team.

  • 1 is working on the administrative & communication stuff and also maintains machines.

According to the team lab, their objective is feeling useless. They will succeed in introducing innovation spirit in business, education and public sectors when they do it on their own.

Also, one of their big challenges is how to go from the prototypes to the final products and the company creations.

An anthill. That what looks like the Laboratorio de Inovación. Besides the team, you could bump into an entrepreneur, a collaborator of an international company, a teacher and a representative of a Medellin’s municipality.

The first main motivation of the users to come to the lab is the support given by the team about innovation and the adapted format depending on each sector.

Thus, between 15 and 20 companies and entrepreneurs are supported during a 1 month and a half program to call into questions their product and fine-tune the solution depending on the targeted impact. Example: Format singular project.

A few hundreds of teachers from Medellin’s school&universities come for a 4-month program during which they learn new teaching methodologies like STEM, learning by doing and gamification. They are also sensitized to digital fabrication tools to use them as pedagogic tools.

And fifties secretaries from Medellin’s municipalities learn during a 4 months innovation methodologies program thanks to online certificate training courses. In parallel, they are helped by the team to formulate citizens problems that will be released on Internet to allow citizens to vote to the one they judge more urgent. As an example, the first 2018 session gave birth to an awareness campaign about the sexual harassment based on the invisible theatre and statistical tools to measure the risk of minors being involved in the commission of crimes.

Then, they also come to the place and access to the machine to prototype solutions. Even after the programs ended, they are free to come.

And, finally, they all are attracted by the great network of the lab as a public entity supported by the government and its ability to gather in one place all kind of people making a small ecosystem. At the end of their program, entrepreneurs are connected to public actors to test their solutions. Teachers are connected with entrepreneurs to create teaching solutions and with foundations to finance them. And secretaries of Medellin’s municipalities are connected to other international cities, companies, and entrepreneurs to develop solutions to citizens problems.

As a public corporation, the Laboratorio of Innovacion benefits from public fundings with the intermediary of Ruta N. Each year, they build their business plan where the budget is defined according to their objectives of the year. This plan is reviewed and validated by Ruta N to aline and optimize it with the all organization strategy and budget. Ressources are dealt apart: the team members are hired for a limited period of time by the Human resources of Ruta N depending on the need of each branch (education, business, government). Ruta N is also in charge of monitoring the budget all year long and to report the results to government entities.

The Laboratorio is autonomous to run the daily operational activities but all major decisions are made with the director of the Innovacion programs of Ruta N. If they don’t have to deal with the incomes, they have to report about their activity. First about the budget consumption, then about their results based on key indicators. These indicators are either specific to each type of users (education, business, government) but also general to be merged with the other entities of Ruta N in an annual report accessible online.

Their main partners are the organizations part of Ruta N network such as el laboratorio vivo, a living lab specialized in the user-centric approach of design, the start-up’s ecosystem supported by Ruta N or sunn, a digital community to connect investors, users, and providers.

In 2011, Medellin was the 14th most dangerous city in the world, according to a Mexican NGO. Shaken by this statement, the city, who undertook a development plan since 2008, decided to invest on citizens to tackle the challenge of transforming the city. How? By giving to Ruta N, a public corporation created in 2009, the funds to offer programs and services based on technology, science, and innovation to local actors who aim to create employment and to improve people quality of life.

Want to see concrete examples of their actions? Come to the “Laboratorio de innovacion”, the innovation department of Ruta N created in May 2017, and you will discover dozens of them, each more impressive than the others. In this makerspace, you will meet companies, entrepreneurs, public organizations and teachers, all intrigued by the team members guidance who help them, with an adapted mix of methodologies (design thinking, lean startup, …), to transform their problem in opportunity and their activity in a more impactful project. The mission of this space is clear: rather than making themselves solutions to improve the city quality of life, they want to empower local people with innovation process and digital tools to transform them in superheroes, ready to make a positive impact on the city economy and security.

After a year, he succeeded to develop a united and talented team who helped dozens of actors to change their mindset and to develop their digital fabrication skills. For them, a problem is now rather seen as a challenge and the lack of resources as an opportunity to come up with new ideas.

For the team members, deeply involved to make a change, their next challenges will be to develop good practices to guide actors not only in their project idea but also in their effective deployment and to measure their impact in society. More than a place full of machines and makers, they built a positive and winning spirit to turn everyone into a change maker.

How many people would you hire if you would like to help Entrepreneurs, Companies, Ministries, City representatives and teachers to learn innovation methodologies, to applicate them in their business, to prototype and to test their ideas so that they can increase the positive impact of their actions? Let say 50? You would be far from the number of people who work at the Laboratorio de Inovación to achieve those goals: only 16!

The average age is 30 and while they all have very innovative ideas, they always talk about « us ». This « us » has more than one string to its bow. He is an architect, engineer, designer, and journalist. The spirit: Be entrepreneur – apply, test and learn methodology - no yearly objective – no chief but coordinators – a Flexible organization of the time schedule. It sounds like « liberation management » without naming it at no time.

Like the areas the lab is dedicated to, the team is split to focus on each activity:

  • 8 are working for the Company&Entrepreneur department. José Willington coordinates them to teach innovation, prototype ideas and helps the wave of 15-20 entrepreneurs and companies to call their business into question during 1 month and a half. Depending on their availability, they are free to come to the lab as much as they want.

  • 3 are dedicated to helping teachers to describe their needs by the mean of innovation methodology such as design thinking. Sessions occur during 12 weeks split into 4 sprints during which companies and entrepreneurs are progressively involved in creating&testing solutions and foundations to finance them. This activity is coordinated by Alejandro Roldán.

  • 4 are focused on teaching innovation and supporting representatives of Medellin’s municipalities through the « communa inova » program. The idea is to reconcile citizens with government by converting a greater number of citizen needs and increasing the previous needs/solutions ratio that was 5000/10. The team coordinated by Juan Diego organize 7 sessions to make needs emerge from public entities and to refine them. Then, they are posted on so that citizens can vote for what they think to be more critical. The emerging needs are released on the Ruta N and sunn website to ask for solutions from other cities, companies, and entrepreneurs. Finally, they are prototyped and tested with the help of the team.

  • 1 is working on the administrative & communication stuff and also maintains machines.

According to the team lab, their objective is feeling useless. They will succeed in introducing innovation spirit in business, education and public sectors when they do it on their own.

Also, one of their big challenges is how to go from the prototypes to the final products and the company creations.

An anthill. That what looks like the Laboratorio de Inovación. Besides the team, you could bump into an entrepreneur, a collaborator of an international company, a teacher and a representative of a Medellin’s municipality.

The first main motivation of the users to come to the lab is the support given by the team about innovation and the adapted format depending on each sector.

Thus, between 15 and 20 companies and entrepreneurs are supported during a 1 month and a half program to call into questions their product and fine-tune the solution depending on the targeted impact. Example: Format singular project.

A few hundreds of teachers from Medellin’s school&universities come for a 4-month program during which they learn new teaching methodologies like STEM, learning by doing and gamification. They are also sensitized to digital fabrication tools to use them as pedagogic tools.

And fifties secretaries from Medellin’s municipalities learn during a 4 months innovation methodologies program thanks to online certificate training courses. In parallel, they are helped by the team to formulate citizens problems that will be released on Internet to allow citizens to vote to the one they judge more urgent. As an example, the first 2018 session gave birth to an awareness campaign about the sexual harassment based on the invisible theatre and statistical tools to measure the risk of minors being involved in the commission of crimes.

Then, they also come to the place and access to the machine to prototype solutions. Even after the programs ended, they are free to come.

And, finally, they all are attracted by the great network of the lab as a public entity supported by the government and its ability to gather in one place all kind of people making a small ecosystem. At the end of their program, entrepreneurs are connected to public actors to test their solutions. Teachers are connected with entrepreneurs to create teaching solutions and with foundations to finance them. And secretaries of Medellin’s municipalities are connected to other international cities, companies, and entrepreneurs to develop solutions to citizens problems.

As a public corporation, the Laboratorio of Innovacion benefits from public fundings with the intermediary of Ruta N. Each year, they build their business plan where the budget is defined according to their objectives of the year. This plan is reviewed and validated by Ruta N to aline and optimize it with the all organization strategy and budget. Ressources are dealt apart: the team members are hired for a limited period of time by the Human resources of Ruta N depending on the need of each branch (education, business, government). Ruta N is also in charge of monitoring the budget all year long and to report the results to government entities.

The Laboratorio is autonomous to run the daily operational activities but all major decisions are made with the director of the Innovacion programs of Ruta N. If they don’t have to deal with the incomes, they have to report about their activity. First about the budget consumption, then about their results based on key indicators. These indicators are either specific to each type of users (education, business, government) but also general to be merged with the other entities of Ruta N in an annual report accessible online.

Their main partners are the organizations part of Ruta N network such as el laboratorio vivo, a living lab specialized in the user-centric approach of design, the start-up’s ecosystem supported by Ruta N or sunn, a digital community to connect investors, users, and providers.

Machines & outils mis à disposition

Imprimante 3D Makerbot Imprimante 3D Dremel Imprimante 3D construite par le lab Découpeuse laser Trotec Speedy 300 Traceur de coupe et dessin CNC c-carve 1000mm x 1000mm

Technologies & procédés mis à disposition

Impression 3D Découpe laser Découpe vinyle Fraisage numérique Postes informatiques & logiciels Electronique Outils pour le bois

Services proposés

Sessions de sprint projets Incubation / mentorat de projets & startups Prototypage Coaching & mentorat de projets Sessions de créativité

Nos pratiques inspirantes

Ce que nous faisons de particulier pour gérer notre espace collaboratif

Boost digital fabrication with innovation methodologies

Démarrer des projets

What is it?

Every single user of the Laboratory de innovacion is guided through an innovation process before using digital tools to prototype his idea.

In concrete terms?

In order to help users to have a real impact on society with their project, the makerspace team guides them through an innovation process adapted (frequency, duration, methodologies) according to their availabilities and needs. Thus, this support has been progressively improved and adapted by the team for each type of users (companies, entrepreneurs, teachers, government, …). If the result is a mix of different methodologies (design thinking, learn start up), the core idea remains the same : before jumping to the achievement of an idea, they invite the users to take the time to identify the roots of the problem and to design a solution that will better fit the context and have more chance to succeed. This approach enabled them, in a year, to support government by identifying with them and citizens 10 public challenges, designing 100 solutions and testing 4 of them (mainly in the topic of security and economy improvement). They also guided 46 teachers from 13 different schools to produce 15 projects that impacted indirectly 2600 students, 422 parents and 42 teachers.

Why it’s interesting?

For users looking for a success or a positive impact in their project deployment, the innovation methodologies stand for complementary tools that can help them designing a sustainable solution that fit real needs/issues.

Contact :

Nos projets de makers

Inspirez-vous des projets DIY de notre équipe & nos membres

Forma Singular

Forma Singular creates tailor-made interior space that fits our need and personality. It is a business company, run by a couple specialized in carpentry and civil engineering, who offer to clients a personal guidance to transform a room or many rooms of their house from the analysis of their needs and personality until the complete installation with artisans coordination.

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