Every founder has a turning point where they decide to dedicate their energy and money to create a makerspace. For Thomas King, an American from Colorado, it was not a special event nor a meeting but a progressive awareness that the society in which he was raised alienates people. This evidence raised during his studies in international relationships to become a diplomatic. Against all expectations, he moved to Medellin to start from scratch and to find his own path. Passionate about 3D printing, he detected in this technology an amazing continuity of what Internet does : empowering anyone to make them produce something meaningful with all the knowledge accessible in the web. His failed attempt to create a 3D printing business, the makers we met and his researches on Internet made him realize that he should have seen bigger, with more machines, and with an essential element : a community. He found in the makerspace philosophy what he was looking for since many years.
The Göra place you can discover today is the result of a lot of 4 people (Thomas, Mauricio, David and Fernando) energy and sacrifices to reach a clear target : creating an independent space where the common social rules are banished to create their own culture where anyone can get inspiration from people, develop a critical mindset and make something meaningful with their life without limits. Inspired by Noisebridge harckerspace in San Francisco, they aim to be excellent. If the target is stated, the means are free as long as they rely on pleasure, fun, sharing and family spirit. If the name, Göra (maker in Swedish) sounds original to you, wait to see the walls inside the building : their creativity and positive mindset is everywhere with amazing graffitis and opened spaces which contribute to the good vibes of the place.
To answer their community needs and reach a larger public, they will open a co-working space with a coffee shop and a store shop where people can enjoy an inspiring but quiet place close to the makerspace. The idea is to go further than traditional co-working space : users will find a place where they can design their ideas, prototype and sell them.