Fab Lab UCL

Inspiring people. Gets your hands dirty.

Seebladsgade 1, Odense, Denmark

Fab Lab Makerspace Hackerspace

Superficie 100 m²

Ouvert en Octobre 2012

Type de structure University

Exploré en Février 2019

In 2018, the workshop Fab Lab EAL changed its name to Fab Lab UCL! But no worries, they’re still located in the University of Odense.

Fab Lab UCL is a collaborative workshop, specialised in design & focused on education. Located in the University of Odense, close to the harbor, the space is easily accessible by public transportation. Everyone is welcome to work on their own projects and share their ideas!

Réseaux sociaux

Thématiques principales

Education Design

Cet atelier est fait pour les :

Toute personne & toute organisation !

Be curious and fearless. Break things.

Don’t fear the machines, be part of a friendly and happy makerspace!

FabLab UCL is open every working day to students & people from the University. For everybody else, the lab is open every Wednesday from 10am to 5pm. The best way to contact them is to use their main mail address, but you can also use social networks like Facebook.

People are here to help you, be curious and don’t be afraid of breaking things. The best way to learn is to break something, and to learn to repair it by yourself and with others. The Fab Lab’s team will be here to support you, they’ll share great advices for you to turn what could seem like failures into successes!

Notre atelier en détails

Découvrez en plus sur notre espace, nos membres, nos machines & services !

FabLab EAL (Fab Lab UCL’s former name) was created 6 years ago by the Lillebaelt Academy of Higher Education with the Industriens Fond. For 3 years, the space was financed by industry funds. After these first 3 years, the space became financially independent. At first, the Fab Lab was creatde to help small and medium business.

In 2018, the University (UCL) and the Academy (EAL) structures started to merge together. After this merge, the Fab Lab changed its name to FabLab UCL and became fully financed by the University.

Now close to the harbor, the space main interest is to help the students from the University and give them opportunities to create what they need.

FabLab UCL has five employees including one student helper.

Michael Angelo is the person responsible of the space, being its manager and architect. Mihai and Marissa are the 2 coordinators of the space. Daniel helps the other students coming for their projects and Mads is one of the technicians.

Fab Lab UCL is focused on the Academy students, but the space’s also open to everyone who wants to create prototypes. Teachers of the University are also users of the space, creating “products” for their students. Companies are welcome too, for them to have the opportunity to talk about their own projects. The laboratory generally don’t sell their service, but invite the companies to include a student in their projects to create a win-win situation for everyone.

Everything is free for the college students & members of the Academy.

If you are not from the University, then you need to come with your own material, but the space will be open and the machines access will be free too.

Fab Lab UCL is specialized in design and making things. The team can help you learning to use the tools and machines of the space, but don’t have the knowledge to help you in programming. For programming-related projects, there is another laboratory (specialized in computer science) inside the University.

Fab Lab UCL has a “simple” business model. The majority of the funds are coming from the Odense University. Some came from the European Union as the team and the members of the space worked on 4 European projects.

The vast majority of prototypes are student work for their courses. Using these machines give them the opportunity to work on real products and get a digital badge at the end. This badge can be used on their resume and different kind of professional networks like Linkedin. They are used to justify the experience of the user and can easily be used to find a job.

Fab Lab UCL works also with high schools, kinder garden and other parts of the University. With more than ten thousand students and different fields like nursing, multimedia, IT, economic or tourism, the team has the challenge to adapt their teaching for these different groups.

Fab Lab UCL has a connection with other Fab Labs in Denmark but also with others on different Northern countries. They participate to different events in Denmark too, like Maker Festival. But the people in the team are workers and do not have necessarily the time to participate to all events. Four years ago, they also created one of the first meeting in Denmark to connect all makerspaces together.

FabLab UCL is involved inside the world FabLab Network but using its old name “FabLab EAL”.

FabLab EAL (Fab Lab UCL’s former name) was created 6 years ago by the Lillebaelt Academy of Higher Education with the Industriens Fond. For 3 years, the space was financed by industry funds. After these first 3 years, the space became financially independent. At first, the Fab Lab was creatde to help small and medium business.

In 2018, the University (UCL) and the Academy (EAL) structures started to merge together. After this merge, the Fab Lab changed its name to FabLab UCL and became fully financed by the University.

Now close to the harbor, the space main interest is to help the students from the University and give them opportunities to create what they need.

FabLab UCL has five employees including one student helper.

Michael Angelo is the person responsible of the space, being its manager and architect. Mihai and Marissa are the 2 coordinators of the space. Daniel helps the other students coming for their projects and Mads is one of the technicians.

Fab Lab UCL is focused on the Academy students, but the space’s also open to everyone who wants to create prototypes. Teachers of the University are also users of the space, creating “products” for their students. Companies are welcome too, for them to have the opportunity to talk about their own projects. The laboratory generally don’t sell their service, but invite the companies to include a student in their projects to create a win-win situation for everyone.

Everything is free for the college students & members of the Academy.

If you are not from the University, then you need to come with your own material, but the space will be open and the machines access will be free too.

Fab Lab UCL is specialized in design and making things. The team can help you learning to use the tools and machines of the space, but don’t have the knowledge to help you in programming. For programming-related projects, there is another laboratory (specialized in computer science) inside the University.

Fab Lab UCL has a “simple” business model. The majority of the funds are coming from the Odense University. Some came from the European Union as the team and the members of the space worked on 4 European projects.

The vast majority of prototypes are student work for their courses. Using these machines give them the opportunity to work on real products and get a digital badge at the end. This badge can be used on their resume and different kind of professional networks like Linkedin. They are used to justify the experience of the user and can easily be used to find a job.

Fab Lab UCL works also with high schools, kinder garden and other parts of the University. With more than ten thousand students and different fields like nursing, multimedia, IT, economic or tourism, the team has the challenge to adapt their teaching for these different groups.

Fab Lab UCL has a connection with other Fab Labs in Denmark but also with others on different Northern countries. They participate to different events in Denmark too, like Maker Festival. But the people in the team are workers and do not have necessarily the time to participate to all events. Four years ago, they also created one of the first meeting in Denmark to connect all makerspaces together.

FabLab UCL is involved inside the world FabLab Network but using its old name “FabLab EAL”.

Machines & outils mis à disposition

Ultimaker 2 3d printer Epilog Helix Laser Cutter 600mm × 450mm EliteWork 3D Printer ZPrinter 450 ShopBot PRSAIphaWork Roland MDX-540 ZScanner 700 Universal Laser Cutter

Technologies & procédés mis à disposition

Impression 3D Scan 3D Découpe laser Découpe vinyle Fraisage numérique

Services proposés

Formations & ateliers pratiques Prototypage

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