The ISVOR fablab is the fablab of the ISVOR company. It is a corporate training company who answers the training needs of Fiat Chrysler, its owner, and external clients mainly from the industry sector (RHI Magnesita, a supplier of refractory products - Anglo America, mining business). In that context, the missions of the lab are to introduce a new way of teaching by making and to disseminate the agile and innovative maker spirit in traditional industry, if not rigid, by being part of the training path.
The beginning was not easy as it needed 8 months from the project approval to the opening of its doors in 2015. Without any surprise, mainly due to bureaucracy. Then the lab team did research to create new training content with the appropriate machines.
The seed was planted when Heloisa Neves, a key player in the Brazilian maker movement, made a speech about 3D printing at Isvor during the « Davinci convida » event, a moment to share various experiences like Japanese cuisine or movie production with Isvor employees. Massia, the CEO of Isvor, convinced by the idea that a lab will be an added value for the training, engaged Heloisa as a consultant to create it. She also trained motivated Isvor employees to use the machines. Among them, the Isvor creative director and futur fabmanager : Carolina De souza.
Since then, the lab brought a paradigm change inside the industry it supports. Technicians, engineers and designers are sensitized during trainings given by Isvor team to less dependency to process and to more collaboration with each others as in this makerspace, there is much less process, if not none, than in the industrial world and it is free and open to anyone. Up to the point that, even if they have very sophisticated labs inside their companies, engineers come to ISVOR fablab to prototype!