
FabLab in the City of Startups of Toulouse

55, avenue Louis Bréguet La Cité, 31400 Toulouse

Company workshop Hackerspace Coworking space Production center Mobile workshop Fab Lab Design & Innovation center Makerspace Incubator Workshops network

Space size 800 m²

Opened in February 2020

Structure type Entreprise

Explored in August 2021

The Roselab is a big FabLab located in Toulouse. It's inside La Cité (the city of start-ups of Occitanie Region) It has different labs separated in materials : - Wood Workshop - Metal Workshop - 3D printing Lab - Medialab - Hackerspace - Textile Lab


+ 33 05 61 46 03 66

Social networks

Main interests

Fashion & textile Entrepreneurship Robotics Music & sound devices Industry & innovation Education Circular economy

This workshop is great for:

Artists Entrepreneurs Makers pro Designers

The closest workshops nearby are:

Our workshop

Learn more about our space, members, machines & services!

Let’s create the sustainable and collaborative innovation of today and tomorrow. The fablab, a shared manufacturing laboratory, is the workshop where everyone can design and build objects and projects.

Bringing the worlds together: makers, students, companies, artisans and simply men and women from all walks of life, everyone has a place at la Cité to innovate collectively at Roselab.

Innovate together to innovate better! At Roselab, your team will have the technical means and the human support to go from the idea to the prototype to its deployment in an industrial logic.

We are a FabLab entreprise who is connected with many associations, local school and other FabLabs. We have many local and international partnerships as Makers&Co and Lasersystem.

Let’s create the sustainable and collaborative innovation of today and tomorrow. The fablab, a shared manufacturing laboratory, is the workshop where everyone can design and build objects and projects.

Bringing the worlds together: makers, students, companies, artisans and simply men and women from all walks of life, everyone has a place at la Cité to innovate collectively at Roselab.

Innovate together to innovate better! At Roselab, your team will have the technical means and the human support to go from the idea to the prototype to its deployment in an industrial logic.

We are a FabLab entreprise who is connected with many associations, local school and other FabLabs. We have many local and international partnerships as Makers&Co and Lasersystem.

Technologies & processes available

3D printing Laser cutting Vinyl cutting CNC milling Electronics Photo & video Printing, drawing & painting Textile machines Traditional tools

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