Airowl - IOT to assess air quality

Designed and developped in Fab Lab CEPT

Energy & environment Electronics

Airowl is a D-i-Y (Do-it-Yourself) kit which helps you to build your own personal Air Quality Monitoring device. The device would give you real-time air quality data on the app and update you of the air that you are breathing!

Technologies used


What is Airowl?

Oizom is an environmental solution company based in Ahmedabad, India. They aim at waking up the awareness of citizens on environmental issues, and are currently focusing on air pollution, one of the key challenges for India. Oizom bets on smart data collection completed with a graphic visualization of the results to make it impactful.

One of their products is called Airowl. This nice, smart and open source owl is equipped with a dust sensor. When the level of dust is normal, the eyes of the owl are green, and when it gets worst the eyes start to glow yellow up to red when the air quality starts to be unhealthy.

How do they interact with the workshop?

Oizom is born in the Fab Lab CEPT, as Sohil (CTO), was one of its first member. All products of the teams are firstly prototyped in the Fab Lab CEPT, and presented to the community. Sohil and his team are open source enthusiasts. They truly understand the benefits of knowledge’s sharing, and this spirit brings them success, as the India Open Data organization asked them to buy their owl to organize workshops with children.

What is next?

Oizom is currently developing low cost industrial air quality monitoring station, which will analyze all the key sources of air pollution. They integrated recently a software team dedicated to data visualization.

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